Comments Collapse
At the end of my previous post, I considered merging the comments into post file.
I couldn't help myself. ;-)
With a little C# interactive, I now have half the files. Here's the code I typed into the interactive window:
var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"content/posts/", "*.markdown");
foreach (var file in files)
var post = File.ReadAllText(file).Trim();
var comments = File.ReadAllText(file.Replace(".markdown", ".comments.yaml")).Trim();
var output = $"{post}{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}---{Environment.NewLine}# comments begin here{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{comments}";
File.WriteAllText(file, output);
The instructions for comments are changed to reflect that there's only one file now.
There's a nice wiki on c# interactive. One thing to note, ReSharper maps the History Navigation keys [Alt+UpArrow
] to something else. I decided to map it back, but scope the assignment to the interactive window.