A New Blog Engine
Welp. It's been a while. I finally got around to updating my blog engine.
As recap, the original blog engine was a custom ASP.NET MVC application that I built in 2010. It used markdown for the content and ran on azure web apps.
I've wanted to move to a static site for a while, but never found the time.
I recently used BlazorStatic for a bowling project and it was pretty seamless for building a static site with blazor.
Right now, the styles are copied from the old site. I was able to port over the blog posts relatively easily.
I got rid of the contact form. That only resulted in spam. I got rid of the archive page. It ended up being a copy of the home page.
RSS is not currently working. I'm not sure if anyone cares.
I need to get rid of Google+. LoL.
Oh the navigation between posts is gone.
Blazor Static did give me tags "for free". That's nice.
I used cursor to generate the leads for the posts. When I checked the diffs, they looked a bit repetitive. I'm not sure if I'll keep them.